What is Vulcan? Vulcan is a discord-based authentication system to verify NFT ownership in your discord. You can easily grant custom roles to holders of NFTs on various contracts. We have worked with some of the top digital artists and teams including XCOPY, Proof/Moonbirds, Jadu, Memeland, AlphaCentauriKid, Lucréce, and more.

Do I need to sign in to a 3rd party site? No! Vulcan will never request you or your users to sign into any site other than verified marketplaces you already frequent, such as OpenSea. Users are prompted to change their bio on these sites to confirm ownership. We will never link these sites to your users, they will have to navigate to their profile themselves to avoid any impersonators and prevent middleman attacks. Vulcan Authentication's Discord ID is - 904575721429663785

Does the role automatically check ownership of a NFT? Yes, Vulcan automatically scans user wallets to verify ownership. If the wallet no longer holds a qualifying token, the role will be removed. Vulcan will also attempt to add qualifying roles to users. It may not be successful though depending on the complexity of your configuration or collection.

How often does the bot check registered wallets to verify current ownership? Every 10 minutes for standard NFT verification and every 24hrs for custom webhook. Roles will not be removed from users in the Protected List or if Nifty Gateway is enabled.

Which blockchains are supported by Vulcan?

  • Ethereum

  • Arbitrum

  • Avalance

  • Base

  • Blast

  • Optimism

  • Polygon

  • Zora

  • Bitcoin

  • Solana

  • Tezos (limited support through Teia - see Tezos Verification (Beta) for more info). Increased Tezos Support and Solana support is currently in development.

Which ETH tokens are supported? ERC-20, ERC-721, and ERC-1155.

Why are users continually losing their roles? If other asset verification bots (such as Whop or Collabland) are present in the server there may be a conflict. Those bots will remove roles that they manage if they did not assign them. So it is recommend to:

  • Remove the redundant role management configurations so that only Vulcan manages the respective role(s)

  • Kick the other asset management bots.

Last updated