Because Vulcan is owned by PREMINT, it includes different ways to interact directly with PREMINT from the Vulcan bot.

Collectors can register for PREMINT lists directly in Discord

Admin can use the following command to embed a PREMINT raffle inside Discord and let collectors register.

  • /vulcan_post_raffle [any premint link]

Collectors can check Allowlist Status

  • /premint - If the user registered on PREMINT and connected their Discord, they can verify if they are on the list. This command will also add a role to a user if they are in the list.

  • /premint <ETH wallet address or ENS name> - If the user did not connect their Discord, they can still check if they are on the list by passing their ETH address or ENS name to the bot as the first argument.

NOTE: If the user did not connect their Discord to PREMINT, they will not automatically get the role.

Last updated