Welcome to Vulcan

Introduction to Vulcan Authentication.

What is Vulcan?

Vulcan is a Discord-based authentication system to verify humanity and grant roles in your server according to NFT ownership. You can easily grant custom roles to holders of NFTs on various contracts.

Do I need to sign in to a 3rd party site?

No! Vulcan will never request you or your users to sign into any site. Asset verification through Vulcan uses the marketplaces you already know and love. Users are prompted to change their bio on these sites to confirm ownership. We will never link these sites to your users, they will have to navigate to their profile themselves to avoid any impersonators and prevent middleman attacks.

What types of NFTs are supported?

ERC-721 and ERC-1155 NFT verification is supported through OpenSea, LooksRare, Prysm and NiftyGateway, as well as Tezos NFTs through Teia. As well as ERC-20 token support and staking NFTs through specific contracts.

Vulcan is now FREE to use in your server!

Need additional support? Head over to https://discord.com/invite/vulcan

Last updated